
/ the commuter

project type

design criticism

map collaborators

Javier Viramontes, Michael

Linan, Sarita Damania

These writings and mappings investigate the Austinite's commute through three methods. The first was unbiased observation during personal commutes, including bicycle, bus, car, train, and walking. Extensive surveying of commute issues at a campus level completed the second investigation and specified research on an identified commute problem was the third. Silent and unattached observation began the process by bringing attention to the variety of transportation methods and small ways in which we interact with them and each other; details are described without judgment. Surveying other commuters and mapping personal tendencies from our team of 16 helped to visually navigate problems ranging from bad roads to carbon dioxide costs. With this information in mind, I then focused on American signage as a way to improve traffic flow, reduce carbon dioxide waste, and alleviate driver frustration.

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all content developed by corey ann leamon, 2015